Day Out

Hi! ✨

I’m Zeno, and I am new to text adventures, both as a player and as a writer.

I always heard of them, but I played one for the first time here on Itch a few months ago. 

So, I experimented, with different styles and approaches, trying to define my personal style.


I first published this game the 30th April 2024 for the: Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 I loaded an updated version the 3th May, in this version I fixed and completed the HINT command for every part of the game.

The game is complete, but I'm still testing it to fix bugs, orthography, grammar, and smoothen game interactions where needed (I want it the most friendly as possible). Let me know if you see any bug or error so that I can fix it.


You can explore this world typing commands of one or two words.

The game is merciful, you will never risk to lose or to find yourself  in an unsolvable situation. 

Anytime you feel stuck you can find help typing:
Read note (it will remind you what you have to do)
Help (general indication, and some hint for what you can or should do)
Hint (more specific instructions, tips or solution for the puzzle)
There are two endings that may look like a “game over”, but they will explained clearly with you should do next time to go further in the game and, to be honest, are part of the story so, I write them more as eastern eggs to find that a way of loose the game.

So,  relax and explore!

The games works on mobile, I tested it on a iPhone using safari.

Sometimes it’s a bit tricky to have the phone keyboard out visible on the screen but, trying taps and long taps near the input symbol on the screen, you should always make it appear.

Game structure

I play Adventuron games on my mobile.
Every night (I can’t Understand why) I loose any progress I saved.
For that reason the game does not suggest you to save your progress, but it will give you passwords to jump to the different chapters of the game without playing the same parts too many times (anyway if you like you can save your progress).

I divided the game in six chapters:

The Introduction (you are going to play that more than once to finish the game), four main chapters (once you reach the location of each chapter you will get a password to jump directly there). Each chapter, when you finish it, will give you part of a “secret message” that will explain you how to unlock the Ending.

Making It

It has been quite challenging, I had to face a new program harder than any other I tried before (if you look the Adventuron file you can understand that because it’s quite messy).

I also had to find a tool for pixelart (I used Pixel Brush on iPhone) because I was looking for the right amount of pixels for my arts: enough to give an idea of the location, but not too many to distract from the texts.

The txt attached is the Adventuron file. You can import it in Adventuron if you want to see how the game is written if you need inspiration for your projects! 🌞

The game has no sound nor music.

Hope there aren’t too many typos or grammatical errors (I’m not a native English speaker). 

Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did writing it! 



Day_Out_2024 05 03.html 2 MB
Day Out 2024 04 30.html (this is the originally posted game as archive. Better p 2 MB
Day_Out_20240503_1129.txt 101 kB

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